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1994 AD
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, collides with the planet Jupiter.
2006 AD
Birth of Kevin Hampson.
2026 AD
Kevin Hampson’s first experience of receiving telepathic communications from dolphins.
Kevin Hampson organises and participates in the first officially documented telepathy, between dolphins and humans.
2027 AD
Birth of Wentworth Neubaum.
Dolphin to human telepathic communications initiated by Kevin Hampson, take place at various locations around the World.
2028 AD
The first sea-based cetacean human settlements begin to form.
2030 AD
Kevin Hampson addresses prominent companies and benefactors, to propose the concept of an autonomous cetacean human society.
2031 AD
Birth of Fiona Smith.
The new project is formally named Chakra.
Preliminary designs are completed for the proposed sea-based facilities, Atlantic; Caribbean; Indian; Mediterranean; Pacific Chakra.
CHC: Alpha 01 (2034/5 AD)
The Inauguration of Cetacean Human Alliance for Knowledge, Resources and Advancement (Chakra), on 16th July at Pacific Chakra; formally beginning the year CHC (Cetacean Human Calendar): Alpha 01.
CHC: Gamma 01 (2036/7 AD)
The first cetacean human spaceship flight; the crew (including Kevin Hampson), discovering an out-of-body ability while experiencing weightless conditions in low-Earth orbit.
CHC: Epsilon 01 (2038/9 AD)
With the outer island modules completed, Pacific Chakra is formally opened.
CHC: Kappa 01 (2043/4 AD)
Birth of Satyuga, a male bottlenose dolphin (2044 AD).
Approaching Chakra’s tenth anniversary, the dolphin calf is named Satyuga, taking his name from the Hindi word meaning, ‘The brightest ever age’.
Chakra energy beings (including Kevin Hampson), explore beneath the frozen surface of Saturn’s moon, Enceladus.
CHC: Lambda 01 (2044/5 AD)
In the Asteroid (Main) Belt, Chakra energy beings (including Kevin Hampson), successfully control a geological survey probe and relocate a medium sized asteroid to an Earth-Moon Lagrange point.
The establishing of Chakracademy at Pacific Chakra.
CHC: Pi 01 (2049/50 AD)
Fiona Smith becomes telepathically receptive (2049 AD).
CHC: Rho 01 (2050/1 AD)
Chakra assists with forming the New Moon Consortium.
CHC: Tau 01 (2052/3 AD)
Birth of Pleiades, a female bottlenose dolphin (2052 AD).
Fiona Smith enrolls at Chakracademy.
CHC: Phi 01 (2054/5 AD)
Wentworth Neubaum becomes telepathically receptive (2055 AD).
CHC: Omega 01 (2057/8 AD)
Asteroid habitats are created to begin forming Lagrange Chakra.
CHC: Beta 02 (2059/60 AD)
The marriage of Wentworth Neubaum and Fiona Smith (2059 AD).
CHC: Delta 02 (2061/2 AD)
Birth of Dorad Neubaum, daughter of Wentworth and Fiona Neubaum (2062 AD).
The baby’s instant affinity with cetaceans inspires Wentworth and Fiona to name their child, with an early Gaelic word for ‘dolphin’.
CHC: Theta 02 (2065/6 AD)
At Lagrange Chakra, the space-based solar power farms are completed.
CHC: Iota 02 (2066/7 AD)
Kevin Hampson is appointed as Director of Chakra.
CHC: Mu 02 (2069/70 AD)
The vast lunar colonisation project, on completion of the first biospheres, is officially named New Moon; the ceremony itself marking the Apollo 11 Moon landing centenary.
CHC: Nu 02 (2070/1 AD)
Birth of Sirius, son of Satyuga and Pleiades (2071 AD).
Wentworth, Fiona and Dorad Neubaum are present at the dolphin’s birth and on sensing his telepathic strength, suggest the name Sirius; derived from an ancient Greek word for ‘scorching’.
CHC: Omicron 02 (2072/3 AD)
Birth of Ki (2073 AD).
CHC: Rho 02 (2074/5 AD)
Birth of Azurite, daughter of Satyuga and Pleiades (2075 AD).
CHC: Phi 02 (2078/9 AD)
Birth of Aldebaran (2078 AD).
Dorad Neubaum and Sirius successfully create their combined energy being, Radius.
CHC: Psi 02 (2080/1 AD)
The official opening of Narwhal and Oversea.
Azurite discovers her precognitive ability.
CHC: Eta 03 (2088/9 AD)
Copernicus Chakra containing Chakracademy, is formally opened and integrated with New Moon.
CHC: Mu 03 (2093/4 AD)
The first cetacean human voyage to the star, 55 Cancri, 41 light years from Earth.
CHC: Nu 03 (2094/5 AD)
It is the present and the adventures begin amid key events:
Various celebrations take place, to mark the centenary of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 collision with Jupiter.
The establishing of interstellar ship facilities at Lagrange Chakra.