
The Cetacean Human Age - Dorad & Sirius

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In the closing years of the 21st Century AD, Earth and its inhabitants are living in a new age. Many humans and dolphins have formed a worldwide society at sea, with additional settlements on the Moon and in space. It is an age of obtainable resources away from Earth, allowing the planet to begin healing itself from the harm caused in past years. It is an age of continued exploration also, as humans and dolphins begin to journey beyond the Solar System.

Earlier in the same century, a pod of bottlenose dolphins succeeded in communicating telepathically to the humans they were interacting with, thereby showing them life from a new perspective. The dolphins were able to convey the fact, that by using telepathy, it had been possible for powerful visual memories to be passed down from generation to generation over thousands of years.

Soon, more humans and dolphins shared similar experiences, with humans seeing cetacean encounters with other civilisations, including examples of the warmth and respect that existed between dolphins and the people of ancient Greece. There were memories involving dolphins meeting and communicating with visitors from a distant star system, while others showed dolphins integrated into the society of an ancient land, known by humans as Atlantis. These striking telepathic images had the effect of allowing many people to discover their true humanity.

With cetaceans and humans being together for increasing periods, a possible reason for the breakthrough in dolphin to human telepathy was revealed. The dolphins showed that they were attuned to what they regarded as the energy of the Universe, perhaps the life energy referred to as ‘ki’ or ‘chi’, which could be channelled by their natural sonar; providing 
a therapeutic feeling of well-being for any humans they were with. Many years earlier, most cetaceans had sensed a vast wave of life energy sweeping across Earth. This strong surge, in addition to the energy channelled by dolphins generally, would have greatly accelerated the evolution of a receptive sense in humans. By piecing together different images and the information they contained, it was determined that the powerful burst of life energy, was linked in some way to the Shoemaker-Levy 9 collision with Jupiter.


As the human dolphin bond became more widespread, various sea-based settlements began appearing, ranging from secluded coastal retreats to entire floating villages. For many people, having lived with political turmoil and civil unrest, a cetacean human home was a welcoming and uplifting alternative.

Inspired by living with dolphins, along with optimism for further possibilities through telepathic interaction, a human receptive pioneer devised a bold concept for the future. The outline consisted of an autonomous cetacean human society around the World, with humans and dolphins expanding their combined presence across the Solar System. Many influential business leaders and benefactors, excited by the proposal, expressed their wish to contribute towards a completely new way of life. It was soon agreed that a new unified global organisation should be formed, to advance and benefit both species.

Innovative ideas for the new venture soon began to take shape. Central to the project, was a plan to establish five self-contained facilities in the principal oceans and seas on Earth, with each complex incorporating radical designs and new construction techniques. Simultaneously, in partnership with various aerospace companies, work commenced on producing a spacecraft compatible with humans and dolphins together. From its association with the idea of life energy, ‘chakra’, a Sanskrit word for ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’, was chosen to serve as an acronym for the organisation, Cetacean Human Alliance for Knowledge, Resources and Advancement.

Acknowledging the importance of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, the inauguration of Chakra was held on July 16th 2034 AD, forty years after the Jupiter impact. A new calendar was introduced at the ceremony, beginning the year CHC (Cetacean Human Calendar): Alpha 01. The Cetacean Human Age was born, heralding a new scientific and cultural renaissance.

Following several years of development, the first cetacean human spaceship flight took place. Conducting extra-sensory experiments in the apparently weightless conditions of low-Earth orbit, the humans and dolphins discovered that by maintaining a telepathic connection, they were able to leave their physical selves and exist out-of-body for a brief period; creating speculation about increased potential in deep space.


After the success of the first human dolphin spaceship, longer and more ambitious space flights were organised. In numerous missions, Chakra spaceships travelled to stable gravitational points, or Lagrange points as they are known, enabling telepathically linked crews to depart from their ships as energy beings for increasing durations. Various crews found that as long as they physically remained in shallow gravity wells, their ethereal counterparts could endure the moderate gravity of asteroids and planetary moons. One such group travelled to Saturn’s moon Enceladus and descended through the frozen surface to an ocean below, without endangering the location and any possible lifeforms within it. In another mission, energy beings learned to alter their strength and thereby exert an influence over a small surveillance probe. Having so many remarkable qualities, the out-of-body skills were given the collective term Chakrabatics. 

Some of the most significant space projects for Chakra were those conducted in the Asteroid or Main Belt, located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The first crew operating there as energy beings, succeeded in controlling the motion of a geological survey probe and moving a medium-sized asteroid to a relatively safe location; making the asteroid accessible for extracting numerous materials. It was not long before more teams, or Chakrangers as they became known, acquired the same skill, leading the way for large-scale prospecting in the extremely hazardous conditions.

Along with its partners in the commercial sector, Chakra formed numerous asteroid mining facilities, supplying vast quantities of raw materials. At the same time, the Chakracademy was created, enabling many more humans and dolphins to develop their Chakranger abilities.

The contributions from Chakra towards colonising the Moon and abundant asteroids, as well as providing new resources, made the organisation a leading player on the World stage. As such, Chakra was influential in the forming of Space Earth Administration (Sea), established as a central hub for the distribution of mineral and energy commodities from space, in return for regions on Earth being designated as environmental reservations.

In the last decade before the Jupiter collision centenary, a remarkable discovery was made by the crew of a prototype Chakra spaceship attempting to travel towards the light barrier for the first time. As they drew closer to the speed of light, the occupants became aware of their telepathic bond steadily increasing in strength, while experiencing a feeling of empathy with the Universe itself. At their closest point possible to the barrier, the humans and dolphins were able to use the combined power of their minds, to teleport themselves and their ship, instantaneously across a vast area of space. It was this incredible event that made the dream of interstellar travel within a realistic time-scale, a reality.


Many non-telepathically receptive people, not surprisingly, are envious of humans and dolphins teleporting together across space. In certain rogue states, feelings of indifference towards the Cetacean Human Age and its ideals, are now being replaced by resentment. New affiliations are beginning to emerge, intent on accessing other star systems for their own exploitation, while ending Chakra’s influence in World affairs, which of course means there will always be danger.

Then there are the new worlds yet to be discovered and explored, as human and dolphin continue to venture together across unfamiliar space, seeking to learn and understand even more about the Universe around them.

So this is the third millennium, near the close of its first century, a new age of new heroes, the age of Dorad & Sirius.

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