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Regarded as the father of the Cetacean Human Age, Kevin Hampson is the Founder and current Director of Chakra, Cetacean Human Alliance for Knowledge, Resources and Advancement.
Kevin was in his late teens when he first received telepathic images from dolphins; in the form of abstract dreams to begin with, but soon replaced by specific presentations during dolphin encounters. Inheriting his father’s entrepreneurial talents, Kevin organised dolphin to human communications at different venues around the World, enabling the telepathy to be officially validated. Those same skills served him again, when creating and developing the ambitious concept which became Chakra.
To the surprise of many people, Kevin declined the invitation to be Chakra’s Director in the organisation’s earlier years, preferring instead, the freedom for working with people adapting to their telepathic receptivity, which in turn led to his supervision of many pioneering Chakra space missions.
To maximise the potential offered by Chakrabatics, Kevin assisted with establishing Chakracademy, thereby becoming Administrator of the new facility. In that role, Kevin met and befriended the two people that were to become Dorad’s parents.
At the age of sixty, Kevin was once again offered the Directorship, which this time he accepted; steering the organisation to further achievements.
Today, as a close friend of the Neubaums and their dolphin companions, Kevin knows that he can rely on Dorad and Sirius to provide assistance, with Chakra and the Cetacean Human Age possibly facing their darkest hours.